This week at STAR, members have been talking about the upcoming Mental Health Week
and what they would like to do to highlight it.
They have made flags to wave while they walk around the area, spreading the word about
the importance of good Mental Health.
Angela’s birthday was this week. It was all fun and games with loads of party food!
We also started a second lottery board this week so people can win some money If their
bonus ball comes up on Wednesday night. This is adding to the Saturday night board we
already have.
Next week at STAR, it will be all about promoting Good Mental Health during Mental Health
Awareness Week. STAR has plenty to participate in. On Monday there will be a Tabletop
Sale, Tombola and Lucky Dip outside STAR’s main building for members and the public to
enjoy. On Wednesday, we will be walking around the area and talking to people since the
theme of the week is Movement. We will also all be wearing something green to highlight the
week. Bingo is £10 this week with higher cash wins and prizes up for grabs. Friday, there
will be a special quiz based around promoting good mental health, as well as the usual fun
and games.


This week at STAR it has been World Mental Health Week. It was an amazing week! On
Monday STAR had a huge outdoor table sale and had a chance to show STAR to the
community. A lot of people enjoyed seeing inside the building and knowing that they aren’t
alone with mental health issues and loneliness.
On Wednesday the members went on a community walk to talk to people in the area and get
some fresh air while the sun is out.
Thursday was Big Money Bingo with food parcel prizes assed in. It was a lot of fun and
people were laughing so much it was hard to call the numbers out!
On Friday, STAR talked about ways to cope with mental health such as mindfulness
exercises. The members responded really well and asked for this to be done again in the
future. The quiz was changed to General Knowledge at the request of the members.
Next week at STAR, members will be engaging in a variety of crafts. There will be plant pot
making, fairy rock painting, making bird feeders, using diamond art to make stickers, biscuit
and cake decorating. Bingo will be on Thursday as usual and the quiz this week will be
based on Celebrities.

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